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Transform crisis into opportunities through motivation

Table of contents:


Establish yourself as a leader, by knowing yourself better and reorienting the situations that reality presents you in favor of your goals.

The problem

A big challenge that you have probably encountered is dealing with crisis situations. That is, situations in which our perception of stability is threatened, and consequently we need to make changes and move in order to reestablish ourselves. It is interesting how human beings seek stability. Change, transitions, and of course, crises, are events to which we associate a negative connotation. I think it relates to our illusion of control. We love to think that we are in control of things: we want to control how things will happen (and thus we create expectations), we want to control how others act (and we idealize others, we demand them and if they do not comply we are disappointed or resent them), we want to control ourselves (and so we repress our desires,our needs and many times we behave differently than we really are). In fact, a problem is something that is beyond our control.

And we don't like problems. Problems are something that needs to be solved as soon as possible, and that while it remains generates all kinds of negative emotions: from worries and fear to anger and frustration, without forgetting anxiety, nerves and the high costs to our self-esteem. But is there a situation in which we really have control? If you start to observe carefully, you will probably soon come to the following conclusion: no, we are not in control, but to calm our mind, we generate an illusion of control. We create a small glass box that protects us and hides us, but that allows us to achieve a certain level of stability in which it is more comfortable and possible for us to act.

Now what is the problem with instability? After all, what's wrong with her? I am going to allow myself to sketch a theory. We do not like instability because it is it that confronts us with ourselves. And we are generally not trained to really look in the mirror. Think about it, have you spent a few minutes lately to understand what that individual who stands in front of you wants when you brush your teeth? Have you ever wondered what it needs? Why is it where it is, does it look the way it does, and does what it does? It may be a good idea to start doing this periodically. Because we usually don't look in the mirror. Introspection, while in vogue in recent years, remains a rare practice. And we talk about true introspection,not from reading a few self-help books and then believing that we are better, happier and more positive people. We speak of true recollection and sincere confession with ourselves. To unravel what we hide, embrace what terrifies us, and to be more owners of who we are. As long as we don't, our limitations remain in control.

Since there is so much talk about leadership, a true leader is born from the inside out, a leader leads himself, leads that internal congress with which we all live together to guide him towards his goals, instead of each internal congressman sabotaging the initiatives the one next to him. Of those leaders there are not many, and those that are, make a difference.

The opportunity

A crisis is a great opportunity. An opportunity to resolve doubts, overcome fears and reestablish yourself, confirming that you are the leader of your life. Crises imply change, and that can be very positive, as long as we choose to move with the change, to change ourselves to make a profit. What probably stops us from changing is that we don't think it's very possible. We do not believe we are very capable of making a difference, we do not fully trust our abilities to generate a good business, we do not believe that we have a very important differential for someone else to be interested in us. We maintain a paradigm that limits us to change, and take advantage of the present situation, instead of adopting beliefs and ideas that support us to create something that works for us. And I could,but I will resist narrowing down anecdotes about personalities who have accomplished feats in turbulent times. What I am going to say is that when there is a crisis there is movement, there is the creation of new situations and in those new situations, in those reframing, there are opportunities. Those who move with change and remain attentive to opportunities instead of focusing on difficulties, do business, improve their relationships, grow or earn money.improve their relationships, grow or earn money.improve their relationships, grow or earn money.

Inventions, innovations and great advances of humanity occur because someone thinks differently than the rest of humanity has thought up to now. What if we could dare to do that? To think differently and therefore create a difference. What I mean is that anything that presents the day, whatever, whether we like it or not, is under our influence zone or not, can be transformed into a success if we choose to do so. The secret is in the focus, if you choose to make that situation work for you, you will probably get something positive out of it. If you choose to learn about what is presented, every experience will be a success. As inconvenient, complicated, and out of your control as the situation may be, if you learn from it, you will be one step closer to your success. Instead,When you stagnate and reproach about difficulties, you do nothing to get closer to your goal, on the contrary, you wear yourself out in the desire to claim your reason about how things should be. Generally things are as they are. And if you want to have power over what happens, start choosing your attitude more carefully. It's what can really make a difference.

So if your current life presents a crisis, take advantage of the momentum it offers and think about it. Look at yourself, check what moves you internally, about what things you feel insecure and what actions you can take to overcome yourself.

The motivation

It is true that what is raised is a challenge, but don't challenges motivate us? Isn't it good to feel alive, seeking to go beyond what we always do? I agree that uncertainty produces fear, I have been through it many times, I know exactly what it is about. But I also know perfectly well that it is in the uncertainty where the opportunities reside and that if I had never moved from the plane in which I felt safe and protected, I would never have obtained the great things that I have achieved in my life. Let us assume the commitment to face ourselves, and that the motivation to undertake each day is to grow a little more, conquer and conquer ourselves in order to reach a higher level of freedom.

In summary:

  • Recognize that instability and change is a fundamental part of life. Take advantage of the crisis to rethink, get to know yourself and overcome what scares you. Change and take advantage of change to generate new opportunities. Use every experience as a learning opportunity. Focus on achieving Greater internal and external freedom. Establish yourself as a leader, by knowing yourself better and reorienting the situations that reality presents you in favor of your goals.
Transform crisis into opportunities through motivation