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Maintenance management triangle

Table of contents:



Management, Maintenance, System, Functions, Processes.

1. Starting point:

In the modern framework, where an infinity of techniques are agglomerated to carry out or control the functions of any company, it is very difficult to see the functions as a whole, and much less, to understand the operation of some, in isolation, to carry out an evaluation of some processes of the company, in order to be able to analyze them and determine which one is working incorrectly.

For the proper functioning of any company, there must be three Inputs or Strategic Process Functions (summarized) which, when transformed, result in a series of elements that produce a result, which can be identified as Image before Clients, Utilities, Productivity, Profits, Liquidity, etc. (See figure 1)

Fig. 1: Main entries of a company. Various sources.

If we look closely at Figure 1, it does not show how they go, or how the different actions and / or functions-processes are related, which guarantee the outputs shown. If we take into account that, System "is a set of mutually related or interacting elements" and Management, "is a set of actions that exist to direct coordinated activities and control an organization", both definitions given by the ISO-9000 Standards, then we will agree that a management system will be made up of several elements, that none, by itself, can give a valid result without deviations.

Many elements are represented in triangles, for example, the control levels of most large companies. This shows the information flow in both directions, depending on the levels of control and The Leadership Triangle, for the improvement of Human Resources, see Figure 2, etc.

Fig. 2: Triangles.

Well, if we transform Figure 1 into a triangle (See Figure 3) we can better understand the possible relationships that may exist between the three aforementioned inputs. In the center must be the objective of the analysis, which may (or should) have a strong relationship with the Mission / Vision of the Company, or failing that, with the Strategic Objectives that are intended to be achieved. To be more exact, the Indicators that were analyzed and selected according to the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) Strategy can be put. But what about the relationship between the other processes? As can be seen, the triangle in Figure 4 does not show any of the intermediate processes. How are the objectives achieved? What must be controlled in each process?

Of course, I will not provide an answer to these questions, only that they are some of the ones I asked myself before trying to see the functions and their processes in a global and isolated way. This is where the true success of the process of evaluation or determination of NO conformities lies.

As the subject of management is a very broad subject, the doubts found and their possible solution for analysis, I focused on Maintenance Management, where some relationships that I present here, many times, are not taken into account.

2. Finally the Proposal.

In the particular case of Maintenance Function Management, like all organizations and companies, it also fulfills this maxim, referring to the need for three inputs, a series of processes and one or more outputs. In this case, the control of Total Quality Management (TQM), in the fundamental processes (GRH, GRM, GRF) is essential to achieve compliance with the requirements imposed by customers, both internal and external, therefore, I focus on the topic of TQM.

This analysis is based on a system approach of all functions of the organization that contribute to the Maintenance function, and aims to relate each of the processes involved in it. The Triangle is based on the relationships between the different processes, it is to manage the set of functions that allow it to exist, and once the elements that interact have been identified, evaluate how they do it, and what relationships between them are or can affect the correct functioning of the entire organization that I am analyzing. (Quality Management System, ISO-9001-2000)

HRM Human Resources Management.

GRM Material Resources Management

GRF Financial Resources Management.

GSO Operational Safety Management.

GMA Environmental Management.

TQM Total Quality Management.

GInf Information Management.

Com. Communication.

SPC Continuous Improvement.

GCon Knowledge Management.

GStck Stock Management.

EstMT Maintenance Strategies.

HGM Maintenance Management Tools.

Thus, Figure 4 shows the main processes that ensure that the Maintenance function gives the results for which it exists. If we start from the basics (human resources) and deploy the rest of the processes (sub-processes).

The lines that divide (in an imaginary way) this triangle represent Total Quality Management, with the line between Financial Resource Management and Knowledge Management (GCon) elements that allow this organization to learn. If the focus is varied, you must maintain this balance. In other words, the triangle aims to divide the management of a company between the functions that depend on financial resources, and the knowledge that is generated in the organization, either from continuous improvement (SPC) or from an Organization that Learn. As you can imagine, all focused on Total Quality Management, complying with ISO-9000: 2000 Standards and other provisions.

If we start from HRM, we can relate Information Management (GInf), Communication (Com) and Continuous Improvement (SPC), as sub-processes that affect this result, that is, in the indicators that evaluate HRM.

These sub-processes guarantee some of the elements listed below, that is, the elements of the Maintenance Management Support Tools (HGM) and Stock management (GStk), which are essential in everything related to the Management of the Material Resources (GRM). Closely related to the GRM, and the GStk, are the Maintenance Strategies (EstMT) to be used in the company.

Here is the importance of this. According to this proposal, it is possible that a badly focused GCon, directly or indirectly, affects the Maintenance Strategies used. If we continue to relate the Triangle of Maintenance Management, we must necessarily touch the point of quality, necessary to maintain a balance throughout the organization. As I heard once, "Quality from the Origin" and "Quality from the Beginning". At the top of the Triangle, we find the elements related to Environmental Management (GMA) and Operational Safety Management (GSO), an element of vital importance today. And from this point, we come to the control or Management of Financial Resources (GRF). Now, is this analysis at this level? Let's see.

3. Depth of Analysis.

If we previously analyzed that it is not possible, based on the known representations, to delve into the internal processes of the entire organization. If we see the triangle, we can say that the same error is being made, but, thinking about this, it was that the triangle arose, with the possibility of dividing it as many times as necessary. If we see Figure 5, we can see that the triangle that was extracted allows a deeper analysis.

Fig. 5: Depth of Analysis with the Maintenance Management Triangle.

Starting from the internal triangles of the great triangle presented, deeper analyzes can be made. In the above case, it is possible to see how it is intended to analyze the processes (sub-processes) referred to the elements of Material Resource Management (GRM), Stock Management (GStk) and the Maintenance Strategies (EstMT) to be used. As you can see, the balance line of Total Quality Management (TQM) remains unchanged, and must be present in all cases, as a point of balance in the analysis and results of the same. If we divide the extracted triangle into other smaller triangles (see Figure 6), then the analysis makes sense. SUCCESS, in this case, is referred to the elements reflected in the vertices.

EstMT Maintenance Strategies.

GStck Stock Management

GRM Material Resource Management.

TQM Total Quality Management.

MttoPAc ProActive Maintenance.

Fig. 6: Depth of Analysis.

As can be seen, starting from the fact that Maintenance Strategies largely define the way to face the works and in turn, these determine the elements of expenses, and from the point of view of materials, they can (not it must be absolute) behave like this. Starting from the Maintenance Strategies, the Proactive Maintenance and their planning can be defined. It is good to emphasize the difference of some terms. Proactive Maintenance are all those activities that are executed to avoid (pro) any NON-conformity, which does not mean that it is always the case, if the NON-conformity occurs, the action is considered Reactive (after), since it must take a Corrective action to the NON-conformity. As you can see, if there is any difference between these elements,or the scope is simply not understood, then we have a difficulty between these two elements that may be specific, but necessary for SUCCESS. The definition of the base elements of the vertex is essential to solve the above. We will dedicate an explanation to that.

4. How to analyze the Triangle?

In the proposed analysis, the methodology must be carried out in a global way, if the processes are determined and, most importantly, the sub-processes and relationships between them are known. Remember that all processes (sub-processes) have an input, an output and must be measurable, quantify the result of it. Thus, in the case of this triangle, the form of analysis is shown in Figure 7.

Fig. 7: Analysis methodology with the Maintenance Management Triangle.

At the base of the triangle, the elements that form the basis of the analysis to be carried out are placed, and they are only the starting points of the same. In this case, we have the global input resources, which are in charge of starting the organization process and, in addition, from them the sub-processes are obtained and the organization is completed. In the upper vertex is the result, or partial process-result of the analyzed. If we see, from the global point of the company, the Management of Human Resources, and the Management of Material Resources, begin the process of the Organization (Maintenance function), but the guiding element of these two is none other than the resources financial and its correct management. From here, the analysis can be done in any sense, logically placing,the threads and complementary activities in general. At this point is where the success of the analysis is defined, in addition to trying to help identify the processes, sub-processes and the relationship between them.

As mentioned at the beginning, everything is framed in a global vision of the organization. A Process Approach in the Maintenance Function.

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Maintenance management triangle