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A look at international business through the little prince

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Business comes from the Latin negotium, a word made up of nec and otium that can be translated as "what is not leisure". The term, therefore, makes it possible to refer to work or occupation that is carried out for profit.

The adjective international, for its part, is linked to that belonging to or relating to two or more countries, a nation other than its own or that has transcended national borders.

In short, international business encompasses commercial activities that take place in more than one country. The concept includes government transactions and private transactions. For example: "Our company is dedicated to international business: we already have a presence in five countries."

Population growth and its growing need for consumerism have been some of the elements that motivated governments to modify their internal laws to enter into international trade agreements.

The fourth planet was occupied by a businessman. This man was so absorbed that he did not even raise his head when the little prince arrived.

-Good Morning! -said this one-. His cigar has gone out.

-Three and two five. Five and seven twelve. Twelve and three fifteen. Good Morning! Fifteen seven, twenty two. Twenty two and six twenty eight. I don't have time to turn it on. Twenty eight three thirty one. Phew!

This adds up to five hundred one million six hundred twenty-two thousand seven hundred thirty-one.

"Five hundred million of what?"

Although everything began thousands of years ago, the man of the Neolithic era gave rise to commercial exchange through the surplus obtained through the appearance of agriculture and livestock, since goods that did not need to be consumed were produced. Thanks to this surplus, a group of people did not need to dedicate themselves to agriculture and livestock and could dedicate themselves to producing manual products such as ceramics and exchanging them with the farmer and rancher.

Currently, trade barriers have been demolished through international agreements and treaties, thus achieving the unification of markets and global economies, so it is a fact that national entrepreneurs must prepare thoroughly to withstand the voracious competition that exists. At present, because although it is true that consumer needs have increased competition, that is why it is suggested to improve production strategies by raising quality standards to position Mexican products in the eyes of the international socioeconomic environment.

«It is a question of discipline, the little prince told me later. When you finish getting ready in the morning, you have to carefully clean the planet. You have to dedicate yourself regularly to plucking the baobabs, when they are distinguished from the rose bushes, to which they are very similar when they are small. It is a very tedious but very easy job.

And one day he advised me to dedicate myself to making a beautiful drawing, to make the children of the earth understand these ideas. “If they ever travel, he told me, this could be of great use to them. Sometimes there is no harm in putting off work to do later; but when it comes to baobabs, the delay is always a catastrophe. I have known a planet, inhabited by a sloth that neglected three bushes… »


We must be prepared for the new changes that are coming, we must not overlook any of the environments that arise, especially when we talk about international trade, since history has shown that there has been no barrier that remains for always, that is why we must prepare for new ways of marketing, because just as they are demolished abroad, so it is demolished at home and as entrepreneurs we must improve our quality, as well as production costs among others, lest in a one of those comes a foreigner to eat the market


  • Wikipedia. International Business. April2013www.degerencia.com/tema/negocios_internacionales.The Little Prince.- Short novel and the most famous work of the French writer and aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900–1944).
A look at international business through the little prince