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Shared value and its importance in the business world

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It becomes more indisputable that no company claims to be successful if the community where it is located is not.

“The competitiveness of a company and the health of the communities where it operates are strongly intertwined. A business needs a successful community, not only to create demand for its products, but also to provide critical public assets and an environment that supports the business. A community needs successful businesses that provide jobs and wealth creation opportunities for its citizens. " (Porter & Kramer, 2011)

As postulated by Michael Porter and Mark Kramer, that related to social responsibility and sustainability has been displaced by a concept known as shared value. Which relates the generation of business economic value with the creation of value for society.

The following article builds on the topic of shared value, showing its definition and importance in today's business world.

Shared value

Currently companies are linked to society. If they want to be better, they must take into account their surroundings, that is, external factors. But from the point of view of shared value.

The private sector depends on social conditions, so companies also represent a fundamental part in solving social problems. Only businesses create prosperity.

Thus, companies can be mostly competitive and profitable, managing to solve social problems.

But what is shared value.

"They are business practices that increase the competitiveness of the business while improving the social, environmental and economic conditions of the communities in which it operates" (Porter & Kramer, 2011)

In this way, the company generates higher profits and at the same time solves social or environmental problems. (Bogota Chamber of Commerce, 2014)

How to create shared value

You can create economic value in companies by creating social value. For this, three different ways of achieving it can be defined: re-conceiving products and markets, redefining productivity and building support clusters for the sector around the company's facilities. (Porter & Kramer, 2011)

Re-conceive products and markets

The creation of products and services capable of responding to current social needs is present in which we can find: health, better homes, help for the elderly, better nutrition, less environmental damage, etc.

This gives way to innovation either to redesign or create new products and / or services capable of satisfying these needs, which at some point may become marginalized. In this way, shared value is created.

The benefits for society are diverse, in a certain way, companies are more efficient than governments themselves.

Redefining productivity and the value chain

The value chain of a company undoubtedly affects and is affected by different social issues, such as, use of natural resources, especially water, safety and health, etc. Shared value is found when solving those problems that may generate economic costs for society.

The external factors of the company usually generate internal costs to the companies, even when there is no regulation for the use of these resources.

Some of the most important ways that shared value is reinforced in the value chain are shown in the following areas:

  • Energy use and logistics Resource use Supply Distribution Employee productivity Location

Local cluster development

There is NO company that is self-sufficient. The success of all of them lies in the infrastructure and companies that surround it. Innovation and productivity are influenced by clusters or geographic concentrations of firms, related companies, logistics infrastructure services, among others.

Strong local clusters with capable suppliers can improve company productivity by providing greater supply chain efficiencies with less environmental impact and better access to expertise.

Developing a local cluster helps to strengthen the link between the success of a business and the success of the surrounding community.

Create shared value

Below are 5 steps to create shared value: (Kramer & Smith, 2012)

  1. See social needs as job opportunities Trigger specific innovations Rethink employee roles Measure to unlock shared value Redefine the purpose of the company

Shared value (NOT an Operating cost)

“The really difficult thing about shared value is creating it, not sharing it” Porter.

Synchronizing the private and public sectors is the only way to solve highly relevant problems such as poverty. Business and society indicators must come together to grow a company, and not just go on the financial side.

Businesses must stop viewing shared value as an operating cost. Shared value has both business metrics and social indicators. Progress is a sign of shared value.

Many of the companies focus on terms such as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), which have taken a back seat by being considered generic. Shared value is something different and unique for each company. (Pérez Narváez, 2013)


  • Including shared value in companies as a strategy, will allow innovation in markets, products, services, ensuring the obtaining of profits and the creation of benefits for society The current world, current markets, society, influences companies to Believe in the generation of shared value which will really give them a social and environmental purpose which will be linked to economic success. Shared value allows the promotion in companies of the use of skills, resources and management capacities, for the promotion of progress social, which differs from CSR which with time and new ideologies has become obsolete.


  • Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá. (March 19, 2014). Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá. Obtained from What is shared value ?: http://camara.ccb.org.co/contents/contents.aspx?catID=808&conID=9447Kramer, M., & Smith, D. (2012). FSG Social Impact Consultants. Obtained from Shared Value: http://www.capital.cl/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/presentacion-mark-kramer.pdf Pérez Narváez, EA (October 28, 2013). P&M Publicidad y Mercadeo Obtained from Shared value should not be seen as an Operating cost: Michael Porter: http://www.revistapym.com.co/michael-porterPorter, M., & Kramer, M. (January 2011). Harvard Business Review. Obtained from The creation of shared value in Spanish:
Shared value and its importance in the business world