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Strategic values, mission and vision: basis of the strategic plan

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The first three great steps of strategic thinking: the declaration of Values, the Mission and the Vision, even though they represent quite well-known aspects, it is worth highlighting the frequent errors, the significant value of these formulations, their central place within strategic management. It is difficult to imagine documents with greater strategic value and as internally intertwined as the statement of strategic values, mission and vision. This work exhaustively explores the entire process of preparing such statements, practical examples and precise alerts constitute its content.

Strategic Values

The day-to-day management of companies does not appeal, as might be expected, to their strategic values. These are not even defined most of the time. Perhaps someone confuses them with the values ​​embodied in the organization's code of ethics or conduct, those desired modes of conduct that come to shape the corporate culture, but it is not strictly about this.

The Strategic Values ​​represent the convictions or philosophy of the Senior Management regarding what will lead us to success, considering both the present and the future. These values, it is easy to discover, show the fundamental features of what business strategy is, they start from this reflection.

Anything that can give us a consistent competitive advantage could translate into a strategic value for the company. Having a clear and open agreement on these values ​​will help establish the organization's meaningful priorities, fields of endeavor, and tolerance levels for deviations; it will allow setting expectations and how to communicate them to others, in which businesses to intervene and how to manage (Morrisey, Ch. 3)

A list of strategic values ​​is a reference material at your fingertips when launching your strategy. Some or all of the identified values ​​will be formulated directly or indirectly in the mission statement. A mission without incorporated values ​​loses convening power and credibility with the Client. Also the vision statement is possible to be based entirely on the values ​​and even the tactical and long-term planning itself will use the list of values ​​as a useful reference resource.

There are an almost infinite number of factors that could be considered strategic values. Some are more stable and universal while others have a rather situational character. For its proper use, the organization must focus on eight to ten core values ​​and that these are the ones that have the greatest impact on its future.

Let's look at a set of different values ​​that are considered useful:

Operational excellence

The concept of process efficiency currently occupies a leading place in business management. Reengineering, ISO Standards, COSO Report, Business Improvement…, all these models and more require a broad and rational response capacity from the organization. Being excellent, agile and reliable in your processes is a strategic value for most institutions.

Learning capacity

The ability to learn, go from Problem Solving to Organizational Learning, where the entire company and especially Senior Management manages to question and rethink its assumptions, is one of the most outstanding, necessary and insisted qualities by the entire business community. We are probably talking about a universal strategic value.

Human Resources

When we understand that people are the most important asset and we assume their development and total well-being. For those organizations that operate primarily with the intellectual capital of their people, this value can be highly strategic in nature.

Engagement with the client

This value implies a position of total commitment to the customer. Nothing is more important and everything can wait when it comes to serving you. Total Commitment can be the hallmark of many activities.


It is one of those universally determined values. We all hope and need to trust that we are in front of someone who ethically operates his company, understand each other with transparency, sincerity, commitment to the word, etc.


Like ethics, this is also a value determined in advance. Its absence in the contemporary market cannot be considered.


It is a security that has associated high costs and risks. Being at the “tipping point” means that we are ahead of the competition and are willing to experiment with unproven ideas. This is the characteristic of many pioneering industries in the field of Informatics.


When it is important for the company to be identified by its distinctive traits or leadership. It is the opposite of remaining anonymous by only opening up to those with whom you do business. The Image value normally carries significant expenses for advertising, promotions and public relations.


This is a fundamental value within the chemical industry, mining, transportation. In a company where accidents are rare, this may not be a strategic value.


Like Safety, this value will be extremely important for industries with a strong impact on the environment, whether through their products or processes.


More and more organizations find it productive to have their workplaces viewed by customers, employees, or both as fun places.

Organizational structure

The assessment of an open, decentralized structure, with a minimum of control; or centralization with most of the important decisions taken at the higher levels of the hierarchy, are options that can have a real strategic weight in some companies.

Each value collected in the list resulting from the analysis we do needs to be specified in a short sentence (value statement) that establishes the position of the company with respect to it. The way of expressing it should also be stimulating.

Many company slogans are nothing more than the declaration of a very special strategic value with which they hope to position themselves in the minds of consumers.

The relevance of strategic values ​​is understood, they tell us what is important to us in terms of obtaining competitive advantage. If we are going to look for a definition that is as comprehensible as possible, we will say that they are the cultural support of all our decisions and strategic actions, the optimal mold of our behavior. In this sense, the Strategic Values ​​constitute a very peculiar and distinctive subset, inasmuch as they weave the Company's Culture, of Critical Success Factors.

How did we come to define the list of Strategic Values?

We will follow the principle of teamwork, the search for consensus, and a good way is to use the findings we made during the Strategic Diagnosis, as well as use the previous relationship of values ​​as a checklist.

Each member of the group brings their answers in advance, preferably through a rating scale. The answers are presented one at a time, they are discussed without judging their relevance or not, we only allow ourselves to seek clarification.

The debate will enable us to successively approach the definitive list, under the criterion of selecting those values ​​that best support the company for the future. It will always be possible and necessary to enrich the proposal prior to the analysis with as many values ​​as is understood.


The statement of strategic values ​​is in itself a significant achievement for the company, but it is only a very important step on the way. Once we have an agreement on our values, we must concentrate on the correct approach to the mission of the company.

G. Morrisey (1995) states: “Without fear of being wrong, I consider that the elaboration of your company's mission statement is the most important step you can take in the entire planning process” (Morrisey, Ch. 4)

A company without a mission has no identity or direction. In the mission statement all strategic thinking is assimilated, all our capacity for analysis and diagnosis, and a clear intuition of what the future may be.

This statement is a statement that describes the concept of the company, the nature of the business, why we are in it, who we serve and the principles and values ​​under which we intend to operate.

Why do we need a mission statement?

Because it will help us maintain clarity and consistency of purpose, because it provides a frame of reference for all the important decisions that will have to be made. It will make it possible to obtain the commitment of all through a clear communication of the business concept of the company. It can also serve as a public relations document if it has been properly prepared by gaining the understanding and support of outsiders who are important to the success of the organization.

A good mission runs away from the hackneyed phrases that deprive it of credit. A good mission is not defined by what we will be or what we will become (this is the vision) It is broad in scope so that it allows the study and generation of a vast range of feasible objectives and strategies without stopping the creativity of the people, but it does not mean that it is so generic that it distinguishes little or nothing to the company.

A well-designed mission should not be confused with the goals of the company, the mission speaks of the benefit we offer to the client, it is approached from their perspective. It is the client and only he who decides what an organization is. For this same reason, the mission must be explicit about what it will offer. It is not the same to say: satisfy customer demand, offer low costs, delivery on time, guarantees, etc. Now I know what my client needs! and he knows it.

We will not face the challenge of rethinking our mission without adequate weapons. Generally, a series of generic questions is used to help identify the aspects to include in the mission statement. All these questions could be easily summarized in three basic questions that are later enriched:

  1. What do we do? Who do we do it for? How do we do it?

More details:

1st. What business (s) are we in?

1 B. What businesses could we be in?

2. Why do we exist, what is our basic purpose?

3. What is distinctive or original about the company?

4. Who are or should be our clients?

5. What are, or should be, our main products and services, present and future?

6. How much has the company's business changed in the last three to five years?

7. What is likely to change in business in the next three to five years?

8. What are, or should be, our main economic concerns?

9. What values ​​should be important in the future of our company?

10. What special considerations should we have regarding external groups and institutions with a defined interest in the future of the company?

The first question, "What business (s) are we in?", Is the most important of all. It seems like a simple question but, it is almost always a tortuous question that can only be answered after thinking and studying the subject a lot.

We have difficulty answering this question for two reasons; First, our daily activity makes us insensitive and uncritical about the day to day, we do not go around wondering the "obvious". Second, when we think about the business or activity of the company, we do it from our interests and not from the client.

It has been repeated ad nauseam that we do not sell products but benefits, solutions, even a lifestyle. That we establish an emotional bond with the client, we sell him meaning. “The products that will be successful in the future will not be those that are presented as consumer items, but as concepts: the brand as an experience, as a lifestyle (Klein, p. 35)

If we define our business badly, we will cause a violent derailment in the conception of the company's mission… and we will lose many opportunities. What is our business is a question that can only be answered by looking at the business from the outside, from the point of view of the consumer and the market.

Let's examine the following mission statement:

"To be recognized as a leading and innovative entity in communications and value-added services, of international scope, based on total quality management, its values ​​and the knowledge economy, promoted by the satisfaction of its customers, shareholders and employees."

What is the benefit you offer the customer from your perspective? Being a leader can be a good goal, a strategic objective or part of the company's vision, but it is not its reason for being. What is it worth to the customer? Countless companies can appeal to the same values, the company does not distinguish itself, especially because it does not distinguish the customer and their reasons for purchase. Many bad decisions will have their starting point in a statement similar to the previous one.

But the reverse is also true: wherever we find a remarkably successful business, we will almost always find that its success is accompanied by clearly formulating the question and answering it successfully.

How do we prepare our mission statement?

This is the technical side of the matter. To begin with, the presence of an experienced facilitator is important, someone without a personal interest in the result would be ideal, who is able to remain neutral while collecting different points of view ensuring that no one individual dominates the discussion, and that the group reaches a consensus, at least than they consider acceptable, regarding the key factors that should be included in the mission statement. By this meeting the team should have reached an agreement on its strategic values.

It is decisive that each member of the work team (six to ten people would be the best) brings their answers to the previous questions in writing. For this, a standard worksheet can be made. Keep in mind that these questions are designed to get everyone to look at the big picture of the entire company rather than focus on their own areas of responsibility.

The answers will be rewritten in such a way that they are visible to all and, again, the only questions and comments allowed will correspond to the clarification of meanings of the answers given, and not to judge the validity of the statements.

After a first debate, the participants can rework their answers to questions 1a - 1b. The discussion that follows should lead to the highlighting of certain words or phrases that need to appear at some point in the mission statement. This same process will continue with each of the following questions.

With all this result, a draft can be made to be examined in this or another work session.

Finally, let's look at several examples of mission, where the principles that we have shared are made manifest. Thus each one can carry out their own analysis:

"Amuse people" (Disneyland)

"Help save lives through an efficient and transparent management of purchases, inventory, distribution and production of medicines" (Autonomous Service of Pharmaceutical Elaborations of Venezuela)

"Satisfy the needs and expectations of our Clients in terms of security with high quality, through the work of a team of competent professionals with extensive experience, the use of advanced technology and the best national and international practices in this activity" (SEPSA)

“Provide exemplary real estate sales and services based on the highest levels of trust and integrity. To uphold this standard of excellence, the company is dedicated to maintaining a professional environment that promotes the success of our clients, partners, employees and owners ”(Prudential Californian Realty)

“Guarantee the satisfaction of our clients' expectations in the Inspection, Fault Adjustment and other Related Services, supported by a Quality System and the application of a Contemporary Business Strategy. The professionalism of our staff makes INTERMAR Cienfuegos your Trust Agency ”.


It was already said before that strategy equals future. Without future thinking, without foresight, it is almost unthinkable to talk about strategy, it expressly seeks to “broaden the company's horizon of opportunities” (Morrisey, Ch. 6)

In this sense, the Vision statement is the third great milestone of strategic thinking, it is a representation of what we believe the future should be for our company in the eyes of our clients, workers, suppliers, etc. PM Senge, in his book "The Fifth Discipline" (1994) refers to shared vision as one of the "compulsory subjects" of intelligent organizations.

What should a well-formulated vision statement look like?

  • Brief, preferably less than ten words Easy to grasp and remember Inspiring, challenging to achieve Credible and consistent with strategic values ​​and mission Clear about what the company should become

The starting point for defining the vision statement is the assessment of strategic values. We must start by reviewing the priorities we set for these values ​​and determining which ones need to be addressed in the vision.

There are also some questions designed to make us think better about what the future of the company should look like (Morrisey, Ch. 6)

  1. What do I see as key to the future of our company? What unique contribution should we make in the future? What would excite me about being a part of this company in the future? What values ​​need to be emphasized? should our positions be on issues like customers, markets, productivity, growth, technology, employees and so on? What do I see as the biggest growth opportunity for our company?

For the effort to be effective, the work team needs to release its feelings. As in the mission, the presence of an expert facilitator is required, that the members respond independently to these questions prior to the session, address them one at a time, making it possible for all of us to see the alternatives that we generate, seek consensus on words and phrases key words that reflect future perspectives, reexamine the responses in light of our reflection to get agreement on the few words or phrases that should make up the vision statement, and finally outline the statement.

  • Some examples of visions offered by G. Morrisey (1995): We will be seen as the highest value provider in each market we serve We will be the best company in our industry in terms of customer satisfaction and profitability per store We are and will continue to be first class in quality and customer satisfaction We will consistently disappoint yesterday's customers by being so much better tomorrow We can be THE BEST!

The Vision is a statement intended to be communicated widely. "A vision statement is proposed to inspire and motivate those who have a strong interest in the future of the company" (Morrisey, Ch. 4) With it we must inspire the entire organization and our clients. Business cards, plaques on the wall, internal newsletters, annual reports, orientation to new workers, manuals, paperweights, criteria for determining new projects, etc., are some of the ways and times to communicate our vision.


  1. Goldratt, EM: The Goal. A process of improvement continues. The North River Press, Great Barrington, Enlarged Edition, 1999. Klein, N.: The New World of Brands. Editorial de Ciencias Sociales, Havana, 2005 Lundin, SC, H. Paul and J. Christensen: FISH! The effectiveness of a team lies in its ability to motivate. Ediciones Urano SA, Barcelona, ​​2000. Morrisey, GL: Strategic Thought. Building the Foundations of Planning. Prentice Hall. Digital Edition. Florida. nineteen ninety five.
Strategic values, mission and vision: basis of the strategic plan